Days since Band and I became One

My Scale

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Howdy New Followers!

Normally I wouldn't use the term 'howdy' (can take the girl out of California, but you can't take California out of the girl!) but it seemed fitting! Thanks for following little (well, you know what I mean) ol' me! I'm touched!

6 followers! WOW! Only 357 to catch up with fabulous Amy W! She's a superstar in blogland I'm finding out, and with good reason. She's a hoot! (OK, now I know I've been in TX too long) Well, in the words of nerd girl from FB Day Off, "Amy W, you're my hero". :)

In all seriousness, I really thank you for following and no matter where you are in the Band Laps (get it?!), I hope we can bond through thick and thin (man, somebody stop me!). :)


  1. Hola T. I recently hit follow.
    I look forward to keeping up with your blog. =)

  2. I can't wait until I can officially follow you. And yes, Amy is a hoot. I just got done reading her entire blog and loved every second. Keep the posts coming. :)

  3. Aw...thank you and you will get there! I am just older than dirt in blog years! That is why I have so many followers! hahah

  4. Thanks guys!

    Hey McKayla, I'm following you too!! Can't wait to be on the other side with you!
