Days since Band and I became One

My Scale

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Starvation: Day 6

So I missed day 5. Sorry. Nothing new to report. Here is a list of stuff I learned thus far:

Optifast still sucks.

I'm still holding at 254, for two days now. WTH?!

Apparently my body doesn't want to let go of the fat. I'm pretty sure I burned more calories than I consumed yesterday, so shouldn't the weight just be falling off???? I'm rather bummed about this. Ya, I've lost 8lbs, but really?! Shouldn't it be A LOT more???? Yesterday, instead of 5 shakes, I only consumed 3. I know, I know, I shouldn't do that. It won't happen again.

The first shake of the morning always gives me diarrhea. Again, WTH?!

I'm not sure if I spelled diarrhea right, is it one R or two? Diarhea? Nah, must be 2.

The weekends are hard to abstain from going out to eat. Ever since I was a kid, the weekends were the time we ate out. Running errands, grab a bite to eat... Grocery store for the week, stop and pick up dinner on the way home. Guess that's a habit that needs to stop. Although, I wouldn't say I cheated, but P2 and I went out shopping for Dad's day. I was hungry (I had a shake before we left, and I had bottles of water with me), she was hungry, and I needed to change her diaper. So we went to this soup and salad place. I got the chicken noodle soup. I ate the broth and after she ate her veggies, she ate the good stuff. It worked out well, but I'm sure it wasn't 100% allowed. I'm OK with it. Sidenote- It was good! Damn good!!!

Sonic Raspberry Unsweet Tea isn't that bad without rat crack (my term for Sweet N Low). It wasn't hard to fight the urge to get something to eat at Sonic because I don't eat there at the advice of my DH... Dirty kitchens in our area. YUCK. So, I left with a large happy hour tea for less than a $1. :)

I didn't win the St. Jude Hospital dreamhouse giveaway. :( Yes, I really thought I would win. :>

I learned I really have a good husband. Let me rephrase that. I always knew I had an awesome hubby, but yesterday he proved it yet again. I was in a mood (HUNGRY) and just was getting irritated with him and his inability to get his butt moving in the morning so we could get done what we needed to for the day. Well, I snapped and went off on him and not once did he get irritated with me. He knew it would be better to just keep his mouth shut. lol (love you babe! Happy Father's Day!)

I'm sick. Yesterday I woke up with scratchy throat and last night I couldn't stop coughing. Ugghhh. It better be gone by the 29th.

So that's that. I hope you all have a great Father's day with the dads in your life! We're off to my inlaws for the day. Pray for me. My MIL is making her wonderful lasagna. :(

1 comment:

  1. Our bodies release fat at different rates, depending on a lot of factors. And remember, scales are tools but they lie! :D

    Hang in there... You are doing so great. And remember, that lasagna is poison. It isn't good for your body, right now.

    Our local Sonic is a drink stop only, too. Mmm... Diet cherry limeade, please! It isn't as lovely and clean as it used to be. Must be something that is happening to the entire chain.
