Days since Band and I became One

My Scale

Monday, July 19, 2010

Day One of Exercise

I did 5 minutes on the elliptical this morning. Yae me. Yes, I know it was only five minutes, but five minutes takes forever when you feel like your legs are turning into jello and you feel like you're gonna die.

So humor me, FIVE MINUTES!!!!!

Now off to bed so I can wake up and do it again!

Nigh-Night Sweet Peeps!

Oh, here is a pic of me and my bay-bay taken on the 4th. :>


  1. I need to get on my elliptical too! Sweet picture. Your little girl is precious. Congrats on taking a balanced approach to exercise! I will wear myself out one day and then not want to get on for a while.

  2. You can do it. Baby steps. Once again. Love that tank top on Pen. :)
