Days since Band and I became One

My Scale

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

I'm a weather wimp

It's cold here. Damn cold. I mean like butt-ass-naked cold. I believe it's 15^ out and it's the second day the kids have been banned from school because of the snow and ice. Plus, did I mention I'm sick?? I went to the dr Monday and they said it was just a virus. I've been hacking up my lungs since Saturday with no relief in site. My chest just feels so heavy and tight. It's awful.

My baby girl has been sick too. She started on Sunday with sudden vomitting. YUCK. She did OK at school on Monday until she got home and proceded to throw up all over the floor. She missed my laptop by mere inches. HORROR!!! Yesterday she was barf-free, so we might be on the upswing. Please please. I can't deal with anymore barf!!

So, as I was saying about the cold. I live in Texas and it's not supposed to deep freeze here. Alas, it is. The officials don't expect us to thaw until Friday. Grrreat. No work for me means no money. :( I'll be damned if I'm going to use all my vacation time the first week of February either. DAMN! So, we shall see what happens. I work for a decent private company and I'm hoping they will make some exceptions for us poor saps with kiddos! Wish me luck!

So the scale has been wonky lately. I'm up a pound, down two, up one, down one. It's all over the place. Yesterday I saw the scale read a glorius 201.5 Nothing like a freakin dangling carrot. Today, I was back up to 203.5 WTF. I had two homemade beef tacos. Guess that's what did it. Darn. Oh well, they were good. After soup for two stinking days (and my BP being up when I went to the dr. btw. Grrrr), I knew that 201.5 wasn't the real deal anyway. I'm SOOO close to One-Derland and now I feel the scale and the scale gods are just messin' with my little brain. So close, yet SO far away!

Hope you all are doing well out in Blogland. I wish some of you were local. I need some friends, some bandster friends to hang out with and especially to work out with. Sigh. :( Until then...... Stay warm and stay healthy!


  1. I am so with you about being tired of this weather. Our winters are typically cold, but the ice the past few days has sucked. Although, I really can't complain since we were hit with 3 blizzards last year. So far, this winter isn't too bad. I also wish I had some blog friends to work out with. Hope your daughter is feeling better.

  2. Feel better soon - all of you!!

    (__)> here is your cup of virtual chicken soup!!
