Days since Band and I became One

My Scale

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

I got an award!

So I was nominated by the sweet gal at Fitby40 for this Stylish Blogger Award. I'm not sure how 'stylish' I am, but I'm taking it and running with it!! Thanks hon! So, now I need to tell you 7 things about myself and nominate 15 others!
1. One of my favorite movies of all times in Spaceballs. I've seen it like a gazillion times (mostly because it was my baby bro's fave movies when he was little and he used to watch it every day after school. EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.) haha Use the Schwartz.
2. I love dogs. I love the idea of a dog, but dogs stink. I don't care how clean you make them with grooming and whatnot, they still stink. Hence, I don't own a dog. If I go to your house, and you have dogs, inside dogs. Your house stinks. Just saying. :) I'm sure you'd say the same about my house with cats. But oh well, I love my kittie-witties.
3. Boys are gross, but I love them. I'm glad all I have are girls. I couldn't imagine raising a boy.
4. Poltergeist and Hell Raiser scared the bajeezus out of me when I was younger. I can't watch them even now. Yep, I'm a chicken. My DH wanted my DD (8) to watch Poltergeist last October and it was almost a brawl in my house because of it. I didn't want her traumatized (like I was at 10) and he didn't see what the big deal is. After arguing about it for a day (I know, we're dumb), and her clammoring to watch it and prove something to her chicken mother, she watched it. It didn't make me feel better when she said it was silly and called it PolterGeese. Really, how can you be scared of a movie about Polter-Geese?!?! :/ Oh, and it gives me chills when she says in her soft voice, with her hand covering and uncovering her mouth quickly while saying "Mommy, Mommy, where are you?". SHIVER.
5. I really hate to pee. Imagine how much time we would have in our days if we didn't have to stop & make time to pee! When I was younger, I used to call it "That annoying job". I know, I have issues. And now I have to pee. Grrrrrr.
6. I have this weird thing about old food. Let me clarify. I just threw away an entire box of Special K cereal. I just opened it today. DD2 and I had a bowl, but I thought it tasted 'old' so I threw it away. Now, the date did says 9/2010 so it's been in there awhile, but it hadn't been opened. I'm sure to a normal person, it was just fine. But since I knew how old it was, I could taste it.
7. I can't stand ANYTHING Ren-Faire-ish. Midieval Times is a place you will NEVER see me at. Dungeons & Dragons, sorcery and Ma-lady crap is just that. I can't STAND that stuff. I think it stems back to my first boyfriend who was a stupid role-player and he was one of the dorks that dressed up to go to the local Ren-Faire. I'd rather DIE. DIE I TELL YOU!!! hahahah No offense if you like that stuff, but man alive...I HATE IT!!!
Now to nominate 15 others. Watch your comments, you might be next!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for the nomination. I love Spaceballs too and I still get chills at the thought of a fuzzy tv. Poltergeist freaked me out too.
