Days since Band and I became One

My Scale

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

This sucks & I'm hungry

You know, I thought this whole not eating thing was supposed to ease up around days 3 & 4. Why is it day 6 and I still want to eat my arm, the couch, and my kitties?? Head hunger? Check. Tummy Hunger? Check check. Just plain 'give me a freakin cheeseburger before I go postal on your ass' hunger?? Check check check.

I'm SOOOOO over this.


As you can see, I added a new ticker above. Now, from the looks of it, according to the DK's scale, I've only lost three pounds. Even though, from mine, it looks like I've lost 11.5lbs. Why is there a difference, you ask? That's easy. It's called I was weighed at my initial consult with DK in April and not weighed again until yesterday when I went in there to exchange the yucky Strawberry shakes. What happened since April?? I'll show you:

They are called the last supperssssssssssssssssssssssssss. Plural.

That, my friends is what caused this:

Those pics were taken on Starvation Day 1. Ugghhhhhhh


  1. You have already lost weight and only have six days to go. You are strong. You are invincible. You are soon to be banded woman. Hang tough, girl. You are doing great. :D

  2. Okay, confession time here: I cheated a little during pre op and had 1 or 2 small chocolate shakes from Mc Donalds. I was absolutely starving too and I figured it had protein, right? I still lost weight though. Good luck!

  3. This is my biggest fear. How am I going to survive on clear liquids for 14 days post op. I know I'm going to be mean and grouchy. Boy are we on the same wavelenght today. I've gained back 5 lbs having last suppers. I wanted to cry when I got on the scale this morning.
